Thursday 19/4/12
Topic of lesson: Fight Club Revision
Areas covered: Creative revision exercise - preparing a lesson to deliver next week.
Homework: Write a detailed lesson plan/presentation script to hand in after your lesson next week.
Due in: Thursday 26/4/12
Thursday 5/4/12
Topic of lesson: Wider knowledge.
Areas covered: Screening of The Social Network
Homework: Choose one of the emotional response questions on the blog and answer it.
Due in: Thursday 19/4/12
Thursday 29/3/12
Topic of lesson: Creative revision
Areas covered: How emotions are created in your own text.
Homework: Write an analysis of how you provoked emotion in the film sequence you planned out in class.
Due in: Thursday
Topic of lesson: Analysis of key text - Insidious (James Wan 2011)
Areas covered: Emotions provoked in the film, use of sound, imagery, alignment, representation, narrative structure, key scene analysis.
Homework: Write a detailed close analysis of the scene you looked at in class. Include all correct terminology and make reference to specific textual examples using the micro-elements.
Typed 600 words minimum.
Due in: Thursday 29/3/12
Thursday 15/3/12
Topic of lesson: Key text screening - Insidious (James Wan 2011)
Areas covered: Film screened.
Homework: The film, Insidious (James Wan 2011) attempts to provoke the emotions of fear, shock, suspense and sympathy in the spectator. Referring to detailed textual examples and narrative structure and theme, representation of characters and use of sound and imagery discuss how successful it is at doing this.
Typed 1000 words minimum.
Due in: Thursday 22/3/12
Topic of lesson: Analysis of manipulation of emotions in The Shawshank Redemption (Frank Darabont 1994)
Areas covered: Exploration into what the main emotions created in the film are and how this is done. Key scene analysis, personal response, preferred and oppositional readings.
Homework: Write a close analysis of the escape scene in The Shawshank Redemption. Explain what emotions are provoked and how with reference to both macro and micro elements and using correct terminology. 700 words. Typed
Due in: Thursday 15/3/12
Thursday 1/3/12
Topic of lesson: SCREENING - The Shawshank Redemption (Frank Darabont 1994)
Areas covered: Key text viewed.
Homework: Write an account of what emotions the film is trying to provoke and how it does this. 500-700 words. Typed
Due in: Thursday 8/3/12
Thursday 23/2/12
Topic of lesson: Spectatorship: Popular film and emotional response - intro.
Areas covered: Emotions, how they are provoked and manipulated, immersion, manipulation and identification.
Homework: Choose a scene from a film that you find particularly emotional and write an account (500 words- typed) of what emotions it provokes and how. Use the specific terminology.
Due in: Thursday 1/3/12

Topic of lesson: Schuchardt's theory of Fight Club.
Areas covered: Detailed explanation of the Schuchardt article and how it applies to the text.
Homework: Revise Fight Club theories, themes, context and key sequences for mock exam next lesson.
Due in: Thursday 9/2/12
Thursday 25/1/12
Topic of lesson: Key scene analysis.
Areas covered: Recap of John McCullogh's theory in Tedium and Torture, recap of themes of Fight Club, Analysis of 3 key scenes.
Homework: Write an analysis of the second key scene in Fight Club and how it illustrates the film's themes as well as how it relates to McCullogh's interpretation of the film.
Due in: Thursday 2/2/12
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